EVR Creative Goes Paper: A New Idea for Social Good and Social Connection

Emily Brown
6 min readSep 24, 2020

Following up from my last post, you know I’ve found a new direction for EVR Creative — a side hustle for social good if you will (not that you have much of a choice because I already wrote it…and it has a good ring to it, don’t you think?). In thinking about it, though, it’s not so much a new direction as it is a parallel side road to my writing and editing. And as with most side roads, it’s slower and bumpier, but I’m taking it anyway because I’m pretty sure being a businesswoman (especially in #2020) has granted me with internal…



Emily Brown

Freelance writer + editor at EVR Creative, where EVRy word matters. Specializes in health communication and public health. Website: evrbrown.com